T.V. Santhosh (born 1968 in Kerala) is an artist based in Mumbai.
T.V. Santhosh obtained his graduate degree in painting from Santiniketan and master’s degree in Sculpture from M.S. University, Baroda. T.V. Santhosh has acquired a major presence in the Indian and International art scene over the last decade with several successful shows with international galleries and museums. His earlier works tackle global issues of war and terrorism and its representation and manipulation by politics and the media. “…One looks at the world through a tinted spectacles of ‘news reports’, that unroll the stories of massacre of innocents, spectacular highlights of explosions, flux of faces of people who make headlines, spitting the words of hate and arrogance and the kinds of propaganda campaigns that just struggle to hide nothing but truth. It is a strange world exposed and manipulated. A world where one does not know who the real enemy is, yet ‘terror’ is the common word for both those who resist and those who attack. It is one’s extended vision that construct and reshapes the perceptions of the ‘present’. And it is riddled with a number of eternal questions and a couple of ready-made yet elusive solutions, which I am interested with. It is the touch and smell of the ‘present’ I am dealing with in my works, in a process to find a solution, where the praxis of language becomes one with the perceptions of reality.”
Our sense of a stolen, even covert viewpoint is heightened by Santhosh’s painterly technique and palette. The objects and figures tonal values are reversed like the image seen through thermographic camera, or xray in neon neon pinks, purples and greens.
T.V. Santhosh’s sculptural installation “Houndingdown” was exhibited in Frank Cohen collection ‘Passage to India’.Some of his prominent museum shows are ‘Aftershock’ at Sainsbury Centre, Contemporary Art Norwich, England in 2007 and ’Continuity and Transformatuseum’ show promoted by Provincia di Milano, Italy.
He lives and works in Mumbai.
2 replies on “T.V. Santhosh – the Indian contemporary artist”
A good endeavor
Thank you sir