Kiran Nadar Museum of Art is delighted to mount the first retrospective of one of India’s most eminent female artists Aprita Singh. Born in 1937 in what is now Bangladesh, Arpita Singh received her diploma in Fine Arts at the Delhi Polytechnic before taking up the job of a designer at the Weaver’s Service Centres in Kolkata and New Delhi.
Each of Arpita Singh’s drawings, watercolours on paper, and oils on canvas is a unique narrative of the female condition in India She explores the challenges faced by women in her country and the world in general, painting the range of emotions and dialogue created through these subjects – from sorrow to joy, suffering to hope – offering her audiences the perspectives into miasma of urban Indian life with suggestive symbols of violence that impinge on the sphere of the private. Her forthcoming retrospective exhibition at KNMA will be an extraordinary opportunity to view her seminal paintings, drawings, sketches and watercolours, and engage with her complex view of the world. The exhibition will include works from the museum collection as well as loans from other public and private collections.
Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, No. 145, DLF South Court Mall, Saket District Centre, Saket, New Delhi 110017. Exhibition continues 30 January 2019 onwards.