Kathmandu Triennale 2017 opened yesterday, 24 March at the Hyatt Regency’s Ballroom, Kathmandu. The ceremony began with a short film by Kishror Kayastha called Shifting Valley which brought home the horrors of the earthquake, that turned the once the once bustling and energetic Kathmandu to a ghost of a city replete with destruction. The opening speech of the ceremony was delivered by Sangeeta Thapa, the chair of the Kathmandu Triennale and the Founder Director of the Siddhartha Art Gallery where she talked about how this event has helped put Nepali art in the global art scene. She stated that the Triennale is dedicated to the memory of the Nepali people who lost their lives in the earthquakes. Her speech was followed by an address by Philippe Van Cauteren, Director of S.M.A.K Museum in Ghent and the curator of the Triennale, who officially announced the opening of the Kathmandu Triennale. He mentioned that “art is a necessity” and “one of the core elements of the city”. This can be clearly seen in the Triennale which is dedicated to the city and since the international artists had to create their work in response to their experience of Kathmandu. This was followed by a short performance by Prithvi Shrestha and a short introduction of the Taragaon Museum by Philippe Van Cauteren. The opening ceremony was attended by eminent personalities like the Ambassador of the European Union, RensjeTserink, the Ambassador of Bangladesh, the Chancellor of the Nepal Academy, Ragini Upadhya besides patrons of the arts, artists, sponsors and the members of the national and international media.