As a part of the ongoing Pune Biennale, one landmark display to be seen is ‘Art, Space & Props’ exhibition under the Galleria project. The exhibition showcased at Pt. Bhimsen Joshi Kaladalan, Sahakar Nagar is a journey of visual treasure showcasing the evolution of visual arts in and around Pune in the last few centuries by recreating studios of six eminent artists of various generations namely, Bal Wad, Dattatray Khatavkar, Gangaram Tambat Navgire, Gopal Deuskar, Vijay Shinde and W N Bhat. The aim is to provide the spectator information related to props, space and ambience under which they worked and the variety of mediums used.
Event Details:
Date: Till Sunday, January 22, 2017
Venue: Pt. Bhimsen Joshi Art Gallery, Sahakar Nagar (Aba Bagul Garden)
Time: 10:30 am to 7:00 pm