Do the dead ones talk? Yes! In ‘The Pyramid of Exiled Poets’ they do talk in strange tongues. Once you start walking inside the pyramid, which is dark and hot inside has the puzzle like pathway. While you walk, you could listen to the whispers of the dead poets talking in strange language. As there […]
Tag: Archaeological
Rock Art from India
In archaeology, rock art is human-made markings placed on natural stone; it is largely synonymous with parietal art. A global phenomenon, rock art is found in many culturally diverse regions of the world. It has been produced in many contexts throughout human history, although the majority of rock art that has been ethnographically recorded has […]
It all began with the handwork of a team of British Railway contractors. In the latter part of the 19th century, they were laying the track from Multan to Lahore, spreading the tentacles of the empire. To their astonishment they found underneath the surface soil a ready supply of burnt bricks which they could use […]
Step Wells are wells or ponds in which the water may be reached by descending a set of steps. They may be covered and protected and are often of architectural significance. They also may be multi-storied having a bullock which may turn the water wheel (“rehat”) to raise the water in the well to the […]
The Ajanta cave paintings – a brief note
Hidden away in the hills of Northwest India, some 200 miles from the busy streets of Mumbai, emerge a magnificent jewel of art and religion: the Ajanta Caves. There are about 30 rock-cut Buddhist cave monuments which date from the 2nd century BCE to about 480 or 650 CE. The Ajanta cave paintings and rock cut […]